Booking an appointment with LocalMaid can be done within 60 seconds!
Book NowEnter the details including the date and number of hours for the service you need. No lock in contracts, cancel with no charge with 48 hours notice.
View profiles and reviews on the cleaners available. Select the one you feel would be the best match for you.
Specify any special requests, confirm details and complete booking online, all in 60s. Confirmation of booking will be sent to you by e-mail.
No need for cash handling. Make your payment online securely before or within 48 hours after your clean.
Provide feedback on your cleaner. We are always looking to improve the quality of our cleans and help other customers make an informed choice when booking their cleaner.
Need a little extra help on a regular basis whether it is weekly, bi-weekly or monthly we've got your back. Have that To-Do List ready, our contracted cleaners are happy to help, from dishes to laundry and all of those chores in between.
Book NowAre you hosting a major event? Do you need that little extra help every once in a while? Our contracted cleaners would be delighted to help you get your home in order.
Book NowWhether you're moving into your forever home, temporary home or moving out of the house you've lived in for decades, our cleaners are here for you. We have contracted cleaners that have specifically chosen this type of job because of their love of deep cleaning. Provide your cleaner with with a checklist so they know which boxes to tick.
Book NowYay!! You're finally done your new home or new renovations, we know it has been a long road. You're exhausted from all the stress of construction and your life is up in the air. Why not have a professional post-construction cleaner come into your home. They can remove all of the mess and make it so you just have to walk through the door and start your new adventure.
Book NowWe require all of our cleaners to have up-to-date criminal record checks. When they first start they send this through along with their personal identification. We also have the cleaners submit a resume, so we can check references and see how much experience they have with cleaning.
We only hire cleaners that have reliable transportation, are allowed to work legally within Canada and have 1 or more years of experience as a professional cleaner. There is a difference between cleaners and a professional cleaner. We look for cleaners who have a current working background that includes hotel maid service, AirBnB contract cleans and owned or worked for a reputable cleaning service.
All and all we take the guesswork out of you finding a cleaner. We do all of the background work and have them advertise their available hours so you can find the best cleaners for your job.
We started in 2016 when we saw the need for cleaners in the Kelowna area and we ran with it. We have grown leaps and bounds expanding to Vernon, Kamloops, and soon to be in more areas in the Thompson Okanagan and across British Columbia.
We now provide house cleaning services to more than 1000 households and are one of the highest-rated cleaning services on Google. We're always looking to improve so please do not hesitate to provide us constructive feedback on how we can enhance your experience.